There are Gym Trainers en route, all armed with Ice Type Pokemon, so make sure you've got some Fighting, Steel, Rock or Fire Type Pokemon with you. You'll need to work your way through an area where the floor will collapse beneath your feet with any false steps, using a detector that'll tell you when you're close to a big ol' hole. Like Nessa's Water Gym back in Tuffield, Melody's Ice Gym is a slightly more traditional Pokemon Gym. It's fairly straightforward to move through, although there are some Gym Trainer battles to complete between sections of track. Gym Mission: Possibly the most fun of all the Gym Missions in Pokemon Sword and Shield, the Ghost Gym will ask you to ride in a cup-shaped car, spinning the joystick left or right to move in those directions, avoiding obstacles and using glowing green hands to boost you up where necessary. Allister's crew are going to be tough otherwise as Ghost Type Pokemon can be tricky to attack. In order to take on the Ghost Type Gym you'll need to make sure you've got Pokemon with Dark, Steel or Ghost Type moves.

Taking on the Ghost Gym is partly great fun, and partly a test of your skills thus far. 40, TM38 Will-O-Wisp, and the Fire Uniform 4. We found all catch attempts were successful first time, meaning you'll earn yourself a Vulpix, Litwick and the new Sizzlipede as part of your rewards. So if you want to a) catch these rare Pokemon and b) earn the most points, you'd do well to just fling out a Great Ball as soon as the battle starts. However, for each wild Pokemon battle, you'll be paired with a Gym Trainer. Defeating them earns you one point, while catching them gets you two. Gym Mission: In order to face Kabu, you'll have to earn five points by either defeating wild Pokemon, or catching them. If you've chosen Sobble as your starter, this is your time to shine as to take down the Fire Type Gym residents, you'll need a Pokemon with Water, Ground or Rock Type moves. The Fire Gym is headed up by Kabu, and although it's located in Motostoke, you won't be able to challenge him until Gym Number 3 in your Gym Challenge journey. 35, TM36 Whirpool, and the Water Uniform. Weakness: Electric, Grass, Fighting, Ground You'll then be able to go down the yellow steps and up to Nessa. You'll need to move through the Gym, and press the switches in this order:Īrea 3: Yellow (down the steps past the trainer). Along the way you'll fight Gym Trainers armed with Water Type Pokemon. Gym Mission: Making your way to Nessa involves using Switches to direct the flow of water falling from different coloured pipes. The Hulbury Gym is probably the most traditional Gym Challenge you'll face in Pokemon Sword and Shield, with a puzzle to solve before you face Nessa herself. The Water Gym is second on your Gym Challenge journey, meaning you'll need to come prepared with a Grass, or Electric Type in your party in order to pack super effective moves against Nessa's crew, and the Gym Trainers you'll battle along the way.